COVID-19 Guidelines & Procedures
May 11, 2020
Growing Grins Pediatric Dentistry looks forward to welcoming you back to our office! We are making every effort to transition back to caring for your children while respecting the changes necessary to do so. While we’ve always met the highest standard of care according to CDC, ADA, and IDA guidelines we’ve added additional measures to complement the ongoing effort against COVID-19.
New Appointment Guidelines
Only the appointed child(ren) will be allowed in the office. We are asking for no additional siblings or friends to accompany your child(ren) during their dental visits. One parent/guardian per family may accompany the child(ren) during their visit. Any other family members or additional adults will be asked to wait in the car.
A parent may accompany the child(ren) during their appointment or choose to wait in the car. Waiting in the reception area is not permitted. If you choose to stay with your child, a facemask is REQUIRED (any material is acceptable). If a facemask is not available to you, you may opt to wait in your vehicle or purchase a surgical mask from our office for $5.00 cash only.
Prior to commencing the dental care, you will be asked COVID screening questions for each child. A non-contact temperature will be taken for you and your child. A positive answer on the screening questions or a temperature exceeding 100.4 F will result in a rescheduled appointment.
Augmented Office Procedures
- Spacing and seating in the office has been changed to accommodate social distancing recommendations.
- An employee COVID-19 screening process including temperature will occur prior to any patient contact.
- Clinical staff to wear new long-sleeve lab jackets and scrub caps laundered at the office. Clinical shoes identified and left at the office each night.
- All staff members are required to wear facemasks. Facemask type is determined by patient contact as well as the type of procedure performed.
- High-frequency disinfection of high touch surfaces, including countertop, railings, door handles, and workstations using EPA-approved disinfectant based the CDC’s interim recommendations will be performed.
- All outlined information is subject to change to meet oft-changing requirements.